Senior Leaders

Propel your policy, advocacy or organizing leadership.

Get Matched With a Career Coach

To advance your leadership in your career, we have different styles of coaching services available to meet your individual goals and needs. Our coaches are industry experts who take the time to get to know you and your background to provide you with the guidance you need to advance in your career. Fill out our coaching intake form to be matched with the ideal coach for you.

The LEEding Edge Community

Join our exclusive community for senior leader LEE members. Share resources, events, and network with each other.

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LEE Power Hour

Register for this series designed to foster learning, skill–development, and meaningful connections among senior leaders dedicated to advancing equity. We’ll be joined by experts from organizations such as Bellwether, UPenn, BallotReady, and more.

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Boards & Commissions Appointment Course

Through this course, you will have the opportunity to find out about various types of appointed policy roles, explore an appointed role, and get support from a coach (including feedback on your resume and “why” statement).

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Host a LEE Fellow

As a senior leader in the policy, advocacy or organizing field, you’re well equipped to pour your expertise into the next generation of equity-minded leaders. Consider becoming a fellowship host for early career professionals. 

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Maximize Your Impact as an Elected Leader

As a senior leader in the policy, advocacy or organizing industries, you are in an ideal position to expand your leadership past your career and further embed your equity-minded expertise into your community as an elected official. As your guides throughout your journey, we are here to educate you on what that means and walk alongside you as you work towards representing your community by running for office

Find Your Next Leadership Role

Our member-exclusive job board contains opportunities that have been vetted by our team for our members. Career coaches will connect you to roles, support you in the application process, and prep you for the interview process.