Explore Career Pathways

The resources on this page will help you explore the different civic leadership career pathways – policy, advocacy, and organizing.

Career Fit Tool

Take 5 minutes to answer some questions about your experience, background, and interests. After submitting, we’ll send you an email with your unique results and recommendations.

Exploring Your Leadership

In this set of learning modules, learn more about civic leadership and equity. Explore the various leadership pathways of policy, advocacy, organizing, and elected leadership to help determine which one you may be interested in. Are you just beginning to explore the potential of a career in the policy, advocacy, or organizing field? Access key exploratory learnings and opportunities.

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Introduction to Policy & Advocacy Careers

In this training, you will gain practical insight into the field of policy & advocacy and its different roles and organization – available as a self-paced course and facilitated workshop.

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Land Your First Role

Ready to start working towards landing your first role in policy, advocacy, or organizing? We’re excited to help you with this next step. Our Career Readiness Assessment is a great place to start to understand where your strengths lie and what your growth areas are.