Advance Your Career

Take the next step in your policy, advocacy, or organizing career.

Get Matched With a Career Coach

To help you move up in your career we have different styles of coaching services available to meet your individual goals and needs. Our coaches are industry experts who take the time to get to know you and your background to provide you with the guidance you need to advance in your career. Fill out our coaching intake form to be matched with the ideal coach for you.

Boards & Commissions Appointment Course

Through this course, you will have the opportunity to find out about various types of appointed policy roles, explore an appointed role, and get support from a coach (including feedback on your resume and “why” statement).

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Equity Roadmap

This resource provides the foundational background and guidance on equity issues across communities. Use the Roadmap to identify policy issues that affect your community and questions to ask that can lead to a more equitable future for children.

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Mid-Career Group Coaching Course

Move up or laterally in your field and land a new impactful role. This course is based on a graduate-level public service career course and years of coaching experience. We will be your accountability partner and expert guide as you work through your plan.

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Advance with Fellowship Experience

Gain even more meaningful experience in your career through the Public Policy Fellowship. This is a full-time 9-month fellowship with one of our mission-aligned equity partners across the country. New applicants are accepted yearly.

Find Your Next Role

Our member-exclusive job board contains opportunities that have been vetted by our team for our members. Career coaches will connect you to roles, support you in the application process, and prep you for the interview process.