Career Readiness Assessment

Throughout your life, whether it be in your career, as a student, and many other life experiences, you have developed skills, created a network, and established your professional brand. Your personal and professional past have set you up to be an impactful leader in policy, advocacy, organizing, and elected leadership. The LEE Policy and Advocacy Career Readiness Assessment can assist you in determining your strengths and how you can improve your career readiness, including a personalized Career Readiness Report that provides practical tips and resources, and helpful next steps. 

Plan for 15 to 20 minutes to complete the survey.

  • You can also save your answers and return to the survey later if you need more time to complete it. 
  • Some of the questions are similar to those asked in interviews, so taking notes may be helpful to aid your preparedness.
  • At the end of the survey you will receive a personalized Career Readiness Report targeted to specific next steps you can take to become even more career ready.

The Career Readiness Assessment can also be a great tool, if you’re working with a career coach. We recommend sharing your results with your coach and debriefing those results. Interested in being matched with a career coach? Follow this link.

Don’t forget to come back periodically to see how your readiness has improved!

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