LEE Members Take Action in Texas

LEE members from Austin, San Antonio, Houston, and Dallas meet with Texas Representative Jon Rosenthal on the creation of an Office of Violence Prevention. 

In January 2023, LEE members in Texas launched a Statewide Action Team to focus on pressing educational equity issues during the 88th Session of the Texas Legislature. While the Texas Legislature meets only once every two years for 140 days, the impacts of what legislation is and is not passed has tremendous impact on the state, the second most populous state in the country. 

Following a series of devastating mass shootings, including the tragedy in Uvalde at Robb Elementary last summer, LEE members across Texas have moved into organizing action by hosting house meetings, running research actions, and now during Session, giving written and in-person testimony, calling offices, and meeting with lawmakers virtually and in Austin. The Action Team is focused on increasing mental health funding and teacher pay as well as pushing back on legislation that seeks to create less safe and inclusive classrooms for both students and teachers. 

Over 150 LEE members so far have engaged and followed this work, bringing along fellow colleagues and parents. The Action Team is headed into the often hectic and tumultuous last leg of the session, ready to lift voices and to hold legislators accountable. 

If you are interested in getting involved with the Texas work or get connected with other Texas members, share your interest via this Action Team Interest Form.