Introduction to Community Organizing

Dates: Thursday, August 29

Time: 90 minutes



Registration Deadline: Monday, August 27


Community organizing has been the driving force behind transformative change and progressive movements worldwide. If you’re passionate about making a difference in your community, this workshop is the perfect starting point.

Join us for an interactive session where you’ll gain a newfound understanding of organizing principles and hear from fellow LEE members about their experiences and successes in using these skills to promote equity. You’ll leave with practical ideas and inspiration to begin your own community organizing efforts.

Workshop Outcomes


  • A basic understanding of community organizing and what distinguishes it from other methods of change
  • A better understanding of where and with whom you can be organizing with and prepare you for taking the next step
  • How your current skills can be impactful and where you can organize 
  • The impact of grassroots efforts and how they have led to policy and systemic change

Who Should Join


We encourage you to apply if you are:

  • You are interested in taking action in your community. 
  • You are interested in organizing.
  • You want to learn more about how grassroots efforts have led to policy and systemic changes.

Workshop Details


Dates: Thursday, August 29

Time: 90 minutes



Registration Deadline: Monday, August 27



Nate Golden (he/him) is the President and Founder of the Maryland Child Alliance as well as a math teacher in Baltimore City Schools. Nate believes that all poverty is a policy failure and is actively involved in advocating for policy that reduces and eliminates poverty.



Daniel Russell began his professional career in education as a high school Spanish teacher in Baltimore. He has worked as a school leader, college access director, and led a school turnaround organization helping to improve underperforming schools in New York. He now serves as our Director of Civic Leadership Development. As the co-founder of a mentoring organization rooted in the practice of improving opportunities for young men of color, Daniel brings a passion for youth development as an impetus to his equity building work at LEE.

Questions? Contact LEE Coordinator Kristie Hamilton for details.