The Equity Roadmap: Student Supports

Special Education

COVID-19 Recovery

COVID-19 school closures had a huge impact on students, educators, and families and its effects will be felt for years to come. To help LEE members navigate COVID, we have compiled a variety of resources – from research on unfinished learning to how states are spending their COVID relief funds. 

FAQ: Three Federal COVID Relief Packages & What They Mean for Education: Leadership for Educational Equity put together an FAQ on five common questions about the three federal COVID relief packages and the implications for K-12 education finance. 

Collaborative for Student Growth: NWEA has published a series of briefs that include data on how the pandemic and closures have impacted student learning. 

COVID Recovery/Tracking Relief Spending: FutureEd, an independent think-tank from Georgetown University’s McCourt School of Public Policy, provides a series of resources on how states and districts have been using their federal COVID relief funds. 

COVID Response Toolkit: TNTP created a guide that is designed to help system leaders create a plan to do just that—starting with the critical decisions this summer that will shape what’s possible for students and schools over the next several years. TNTP offers recommendations not just on goals and instructional materials, but on the authentic community engagement, change management, and organizational development that are critical to any plan’s long-term success. They also highlight the most effective ways leaders can use one-time federal resources from the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER) to support their learning acceleration plans—and avoid spending those resources on initiatives less likely to create meaningfully better experiences for students.

COVID Surveys: The RAND Corporation administered nationally representative surveys of educators about COVID-19. The surveys focus on the type of instruction educators are offering and their infrastructure for remote learning, the factors hindering or facilitating their work, their priorities, and their efforts to support students’ well-being. With oversamples of schools serving predominantly students of color and students affected by poverty, RAND is documenting the pandemic’s implications for equity and contributing to guidance on how to address it.

Education Recovery Hub: A joint project of the Collaborative for Student Success, the Center on Reinventing Public Education, and Georgetown University’s Edunomics Lab that aims to help school leaders learn from their peers by focusing on research-backed practices that can help to address unfinished learning that happened during the pandemic. The Hub also includes a state-by-state list of American Rescue Plan spending plans. 

Evidence Project: A project from the Center on Reinventing Public Education that brings together researchers from around the country with the goals of: 

  • Aggregating and coordinating existing national research efforts to make analysis and expertise accessible to the public.
  • Identifying problems that need attention and incentivizing researchers to address those gaps.
  • Conducting rapid-response research on urgent questions.
  • Calling attention to critical work and findings with regular broadcasts to the field.
  • Synthesizing lessons learned, emerging issues, and implications, making sure practitioners and policymakers get useful information when it can make a difference.

The project has several resources related to COVID spending, learning acceleration, reopening schools, and more. 

K-12 Education Landscape Pandemic Recovery: A series of resources and best practices from Georgetown University’s Edunomics Lab that speak to how states and districts are and should spend their federal COVID relief funding. 

Pandemic Data Tracking: After more than two years of disrupted schooling, our school systems must seek new ways of educating and supporting students, form new partnerships with their communities, and explore new ways to develop and deploy talent. To illuminate the work ahead, we must make sense of where we’ve been. This page catalogs the Center on Reinventing Public Education’s efforts to monitor how large school districts responded to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Critical Race Theory

Since January 2021, 42 states have introduced bills or taken other steps that would restrict teaching critical race theory or limit how teachers can discuss racism and sexism. Seventeen states have imposed these bans and restrictions either through legislation or other avenues. Critical Race Theory originated in academia and can be simply described as the practice of examining the role of race and racism in our society. The main tenets of CRT include:

  • An understanding of race as a social construct
  • Recognition of how racism is embedded within our systems and institutions 
  • Rejection of meritocracy and ‘colorblindness’
  • Adoption of lived experiences of people of color into research

To help LEE members navigate the anti-critical race theory landscape, we have compiled a variety of resources – from legislation, having hard conversations, and more.

Education Week Legislation Map:  Education Week has been tracking which states have either considered or passed policies related to critical race theory. This resource provides an overview of what states have done, as well as links to the policies and other relevant resources. 

Harvard EdCast: This is a Harvard podcast interview with Gloria Ladson-Billings, who pioneered adapting critical race theory from law to education in the 1990’s.

Communications Guide for Education Leaders: LEE put together a Critical Race Theory communication guide for education leaders to help them as they engage in conversations around this issue. 

We Make the Future’s Messaging Guidance: Provides some narratives and messaging help for educators, education leaders, and more stakeholders. 

Communicating in Politically Charged Times: A blog with some tips to consider when communicating about issues that have become politically controversial, so you can avoid distracting conversations and stay focused on your education priorities.  

What is Critical Race Theory: Resources for Educators: William and Mary School of Education put together a series of resources that offer information on Critical Race Theory.  
Understanding Critical Race Theory: The National School Boards Association put together a FAQ on Critical Race Theory for school board members.