Understanding the Context of the Systemic Race and Class-Based Opportunity Gap

These resources will support you in learning more about the systemic race and class-based causes of the opportunity gap in our country and in your local community, as well as the historical disenfranchisement of communities most impacted by pervasive inequality.

The Origins of Privilege

What is privilege? What are its origins? This interview with the woman who brought the idea about digs deep into the privileges we have as men, as women, as a caucasian, as a person of a different socio-economic class, and more.

A Racial Equity Theory of Change 

This document blends “theory of change” logic with Structural Racism analysis, allowing for a methodology aimed at designing initiatives that promote racial equity. Ultimately, reformers will learn what it will really take to create the long-term change they want.

Combating Racial Discrimination in America

This document is an initiative of The Leadership Conference on Civil Human Rights and The Leadership Conference Education Fund, along with the Lawyer’s Committee for Civil Rights Under Law and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). It sheds light on discrimination in various institutions such as the criminal justice system, education, immigration, and more. 

Myths and Misconceptions About Race

This short video is a segment of a documentary that confronts myths and misconceptions about race, a construct which assumes that simple external differences, rooted in biology, are linked to other complex internal differences.