Understanding Community Organizing

These resources will help clarify how to define organizing, and will give you examples of how organizing has impacted the livelihoods of children, families, and schools across the country.

Overall Definitions

This resource summarizes the various definitions of different types of organizations and activities such as civic engagement, political action, and advocacy. 

Community Organizing: People Power from the Grassroots

This document helps you understand what community organizing is, what its principles are, and will help you define an action strategy.

Organizing: Stories from the Field (IAF)

Industrial Areas Foundation organizations share their signature accomplishments

Organizing for Change in Schools

Here, you’ll gain a greater understanding of what it means to organize for change is schools, what its value is, what the challenges are, and recommendations for supporting the work of community organizing.  

Transforming Schools through Community Organizing

With this resource, you’ll begin to understand the power of community organizing, how it differs from parent involvement, the importance of building relationships, and more. 

Organizing as an Education Reform Strategy: Opportunities and Challenges

This research-backed report presents the challenges and strengths of Community Organizing as an Education Reform Strategy