Historical Context for Equity and Opportunity in Education

Estimated Completion Time: 2 hours

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Understand the value of equity in education through an exploration of the policies that have both positively and negatively impacted children and communities.

About the Course


This course explores the historical impacts of educational inequity throughout the history of the United States to deepen your understanding and build your capacity to fight for equity in your community.

We’ll delve into the following policies:

  1. Anti-literacy laws
  2. Elementary and Secondary Education Act
  3. Individuals With Disabilities Education Act
  4. The Civilization Act of 1819

Who Should Enroll


  • Members focused on growing careers in policy, advocacy or organizing
  • Members seeking to grow their equity impact

What to Expect


  • Develop an individual and collective understanding of liberatory consciousness in our approach to policy analysis
  • Examine in detail four key policies and their effects on the education system
  • Understand the importance of prioritizing equity in education and how you can play a role in advancing the cause

Follow the link below to access your learner dashboard. Then scroll and search for Historical Context for Equity and Opportunity in Education to get started.

Questions? Contact Mollie Stephens at paolee@educationalequity.org



Estimated Completion Time: 2 hours

Log in to the member portal before clicking below for complimentary access.