Elected Leader FAQs: Supporting and Growing Your Impact in Elected Office

Estimated Completion Time: 1-3 hours

Log in to the member portal before clicking below for complimentary access.




Supporting and Growing Your Impact in Elected Office

About the Course


Welcome to the Elected Leader FAQs Learning Path. The virtual resources in this Learning Path are available to all LEE members, but are specifically designed to provide LEE members serving in elected office with guidance based on actual Frequently Asked Questions that elected leaders have asked–and answered–through the years. If you are not currently an elected leader but think you may either run one day, work for an elected official, or just have an interest in equity-focused policy-making, these resources are for you, too!

Who Should Enroll


The virtual resources in this Learning Path are available to all LEE members, but are specifically designed to provide LEE members serving in elected office. If you are not currently an elected leader but think you may either run one day, work for an elected official, or just have an interest in equity-focused policy-making, these resources are for you, too!

What to Expect


This course will cover topics such as:

  • Transitioning from being a candidate to an elected leader
  • Process and governance
  • Process-related resources for school board members
  • Communications
  • Strategic mapping
  • Community engagement



Estimated Completion Time: 1-3 hours

Log in to the member portal before clicking below for complimentary access.