How to Improve Your Civic Leadership

Civic leadership is an essential component of thriving and equitable communities. A group of leaders who work together and are proactive in their communities, are keen on addressing and providing local needs, and rally to foster positive change will see significant growth maintained in their society. Whether you’re already involved in your community or you’re looking to enhance your impact, we believe that expanding on your leadership skills is essential. Here are the ways you can build and advance your civic leadership skills.

1. Center Equity

Before civic leaders begin to advocate for equity, they must be aware of the systematic oppression that exists within themselves and in communities today. A true leader must be self-aware and humble, one that is willing to go through the necessary steps to make an internal difference before they enact changes in their community. Asking yourself how you can progress as an individual, what words or actions you have engaged in that propagate oppressive systems, and how you can be accountable for your actions can lead you to a better level of understanding in your liberatory consciousness. 

As a civic leader, centering equity within yourself is a necessity to foster inclusive and flourishing communities. 

The following resources are a great starting point to learn how to center equity within yourself and in your community.

2. Develop Your Skills

As a leader, one never stops learning. Communities and policies are ever-changing, and this evolution requires a level of understanding and awareness that comes with updating skills and obtaining new knowledge. Take initiative and sign up for additional training programs, workshops, and courses like we have at LEE to deepen your abilities and grow your civic impact. 

3. Get Involved

A community’s path to thriving relies upon its leaders working with their communities to find solutions and opportunities for equitable progress and innovation. Working closely with others fosters community sustainability, diversification, unique ideas from various perspectives, awareness, and understanding in the decision-making process. Fine-tune these collaborative skills and join our community organizing facilitated programs. These resources show you how you can harness the power of organizing and propel lasting change in your community.

4. Build Relationships 

Building strong relationships with community members, leaders, and stakeholders is fundamental to effective civic leadership. Networking helps you collaborate effectively with other civic leaders to advance equity, gain diverse perspectives, and build opportunities to alleviate important issues. Actively engaging with community organizations, attending networking events, and seeking out mentorship opportunities will expand your network and boost community impact.

Improving your civic leadership involves continuous learning, relationship-building and networking, harnessing effective communication, and a staunch commitment to civic duties and equity. When leaders embrace these principles and contribute to these pillars together, they create inclusive and resilient communities where everyone thrives.

Dive into our additional resources to help you elevate your civic leadership:

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